JSON Target Connector

JSON Target Connector

How JSON Target Connector Works

How JSON Target Connector Works

Let us consider a sample JSON file, which provides Customer-Address details, to explain how JSON Target Connector works.
JSON Target Connector is based on the following principles:
  • The XPaths are the building blocks of JSON Target Connector.
  • JSON Target Connector parses the JSON file and generates the XPaths of each JSON object or JSON array.
  • JSON Target Connector uses the XPaths to generate XML file with adequate primary and foreign key relationships.
  • The XMLStreamReader and XMLStreamWriter cleans the generated XML file.
  • The cleaned XML file is transformed into a valid JSON file based on the SAXevent parsing approach.
The following figure shows a sample JSON file of Customer - Address details.
This figure shows a sample JSON file of Customer - Address details.
JSON Target Connector follows the following principles to group elements into tables or fields:
  • JSON file must have root element. When the JSON file does not contain any root element, then the connector creates a dummy root called JSONRoot. The root element is used for further processing of files.
  • All the simple and attribute elements are considered as fields. Complex elements are not considered as fields.
  • Unbound elements are segregated and considered as separate tables.
  • Any bound element to the former element becomes the child element of the former element.
    Based on the sample file shown in the above figure, the following tables are created:
    • Table-1: JsonRoot with XPath/JsonRoot
    • Table-2: Customers_Customer_Address with XPath/Customers/Customer/Address
The following figure shows the tables written to the target:
This figure shows the tables written to the target.


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