Netezza Connector

Netezza Connector

Configuring the Netezza ODBC driver on Linux

Configuring the Netezza ODBC driver on Linux

Before you can run tasks to connect to Netezza using the ODBC connection from Linux, you must set the ODBCINI, ODBCINST, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environmental variables for the driver and create the DSN entries.
  1. Add the path of the
    file to the ODBCINI environment variable. For example,
    setenv ODBCINI "/data/home/qamercury/cloud_td/ODBCINI/odbc.ini"
  2. To set the ODBCINST environment variable, use the following syntax:
    setenv ODBCINST /data/home/qamercury/cloud_td/ODBCINI/odbcinst.ini
  3. To set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, use the following syntax:
    setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ".:/export/qa_adp/thirdparty/netezza/linux.64/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
  4. To set the NZ_ODBC_INI_PATH environment variable, use the following syntax:
    setenv NZ_ODBC_INI_PATH "/path/to/directory/where/we/have/odbc.ini/file
  5. Add entries for the Netezza data sources in the
    The following section shows a sample entry in the
    [Sample Netezza ODBC DSN] Driver=/export/qa_adp/thirdparty/netezza/linux.64/lib64/ Description=NetezzaSQL ODBC Port=5480 Database=ADPQA_DB Username=adpqa Password=adpqa StripCRLF=false ReadOnly=false ShowSystemTables=false DateFormat=1 NumericAsChar=false DebugLogging=true
  6. Restart the Secure Agent after you configure the environment variables.


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