Oracle Cloud Object Storage Connector

Oracle Cloud Object Storage Connector

Proxy server settings

Proxy server settings

If your organization uses an outgoing proxy server to connect to the Internet, the Secure Agent connects to Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services through the proxy server.
You can configure the Secure Agent to use the proxy server on Windows and Linux. You can use the unauthenticated or authenticated proxy server.
You cannot use a proxy server with managed identity authentication.
You can use one of the following types of proxy servers:
  • Unauthenticated proxy - Requires only the host and port address for configuration.
  • Authenticated proxy - Requires the host address, port address, user name, and password for configuration.
To configure proxy settings for the Secure Agent, use one of the following methods:
  • Configure the Secure Agent through the Secure Agent Manager on Windows or shell command on Linux.
    For instructions, see
    "Configure the proxy settings on Windows" or "Configure the proxy settings on Linux" in
    Getting Started
    in the Data Integration help
  • Configure the JVM options for the DTM in the Secure Agent properties. For instructions, see the Proxy server settings Knowledge Base article.


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