Configure VPC peering between the Amazon Redshift cluster and the serverless runtime environment

Configure VPC peering between the Amazon Redshift cluster and the serverless runtime environment

Configuring VPC peering

Configuring VPC peering

To set up VPC peering, perform the following steps in the AWS console:
  1. From the serverless runtime environment VPC, click
    Peering Connections
    Create peering connection
    page appears.
  2. On the
    Create peering connection
    page, enter a VPC connection name, the Requester VPC details, and the Requested VPC details.
    The Requester VPC is the VPC of the serverless runtime environment. The Requested VPC is the VPC of the Amazon Redshift cluster.
  3. Click
    Create Peering Connection
    The following image shows the
    Create peering connection
    The image shows the Create peering connection page.
  4. On the Requested VPC, click
    Peering Connections
  5. Go to
    and click
    Accept request
    to accept the request from the Requester VPC.
    The following image shows the accept request:
    The image shows the accept request from the Requester VPC.
  6. On the Requested VPC, go to
    Your VPCs
    tab and select the route table.
  7. Go to
    Edit Routes
    The following image shows the
    Route tables
    The image shows the Route tables page.
  8. Add the route to the Requester VPC.
    The route consists of the IP address and the peering connection of the Requester VPC.
    The following image shows the routes added:
    The image shows the routes added.
  9. Perform steps 6, 7, and 8 to also edit the route table of the Requester VPC and add the route to the Requested VPC.
  10. On the Requested VPC, in the
    Network and security
    settings, go to the VPC security group.
  11. Go to
    Inbound rules
    Edit inbound rules
    and add a rule.
    The following image shows the inbound rules:
    The image shows the inbound rules added.
  12. Now, add the IP4 CIDR block of the requester VPC to the inbound traffic of the security group.
  13. Save the changes.
The VPC peering is configured. You can now configure the Amazon Redshift V2 connection.


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