Configuring private communication with Amazon Redshift using the Amazon Redshift V2 Connector

Configuring private communication with Amazon Redshift using the Amazon Redshift V2 Connector

Step 2. Create a Redshift-managed VPC endpoint

Step 2. Create a Redshift-managed VPC endpoint

Perform the following steps on the AWS console to create a Redshift-managed VPC endpoint:
  1. Log in to the
    AWS Console
    , and access the Amazon Redshift console.
  2. Navigate to the
    section, and click
    Create endpoint
  3. Enter the endpoint name, and choose the AWS account ID, cluster identifier, VPC, and the subnet group.
  4. Click
    Create endpoint
  5. In the
    section, select the created endpoint, and copy the endpoint details.
    You need to enter the endpoint details in the Amazon Redshift V2 JDBC URL connection property.
    The following image shows the endpoint URL created for the endpoint:


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