Getting Started

Getting Started

Inviting users to join your organization

Inviting users to join your organization

If you have the Admin role, you can invite users to join your organization. Invite users so that they can create mappings and tasks or to help you configure a primary cloud data warehouse or runtime environment.
  1. Perform either of the following steps:
    • On the
      page, click
      Invite a friend or colleague
      , and then click
      Invite New User
    • If you're configuring a primary cloud data warehouse or setting up a runtime environment, click
      Invite a friend or colleague to help you
  2. Enter the first name, last name, email address, user name, and role for the person you want to invite.
    The user name must be unique within the organization. You cannot change the user name after you invite the user.
    You must assign the user you invite the Admin or Designer role.
  3. Click
    The user you invite receives an email with a link to join your organization.


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