Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Runtime environments
  3. Hosted Agent
  4. Secure Agent groups
  5. Secure Agents
  6. Secure Agent installation

Runtime Environments

Runtime Environments

Adding a new Secure Agent to an existing group

Adding a new Secure Agent to an existing group

You can add a Secure Agent to an existing Secure Agent group when you install the agent. To add a Secure Agent to an existing group, add the InfaAgent.GroupName property to the infaagent.ini file before you register the agent. When you add a Secure Agent to a group, the Secure Agent inherits all the services that are enabled for the group.
  1. Install the Secure Agent.
  2. On Windows, when you are prompted to register the agent, open Windows Services and stop the agent.
    On Linux, when the installation program finishes, do not start the agent.
  3. Open
    <Secure Agent installation directory>/apps/agentcore/conf/infaagent.ini
    in a text editor.
  4. Add the following property and save the file:
    InfaAgent.GroupName=<Secure Agent group name>
  5. Start the agent.
  6. Register the agent.
    Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
    adds the Secure Agent to the group you specify in the InfaAgent.GroupName property instead of a new group.


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