Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Data integration tasks
  3. Mapping tasks
  4. Data transfer tasks
  5. Data loader tasks



Rules and guidelines for flat file sources and targets

Rules and guidelines for flat file sources and targets

Use the following rules and guidelines for flat file sources and targets:
  • All date columns in a flat file source must have the same date format.
  • The flat file cannot contain empty column names. If a file contains an empty column name, the following error appears:
    Invalid header line: Empty column name found.
  • Column names in a flat file must contain printable tab or ASCII characters (ASCII code 32-126). If the file contains a character that is not valid, the following error appears:
    Invalid header line: Non-printable character found. The file might be binary or might have invalid characters in the header line.
  • You can use a tab, space, or any printable special character as a delimiter. The delimiter can have a maximum of 10 characters. The delimiter must be different from the escape character and text qualifier.
  • For flat file sources and targets with multibyte data on Linux, the default locale must be UTF-8.


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