

  1. 서문
  2. 비즈니스 항목 서비스 소개
  3. Enterprise Java Bean 비즈니스 항목 서비스 호출
  4. Representational State Transfer 비즈니스 항목 서비스 호출
  5. Simple Object Access Protocol 비즈니스 항목 서비스 호출
  6. 교차 참조 레코드 및 BVT 계산을 위한 서비스
  7. 기업 연결 서비스 지원
  8. 비즈니스 항목 데이터 정리, 분석 및 변환을 위한 외부 호출
  9. REST API를 사용하여 비즈니스 항목 레코드 추가

비즈니스 항목 서비스 가이드

비즈니스 항목 서비스 가이드

Query Parameters

Query Parameters

Use the q or the fq query parameters to provide the string value for the search. The q and the fq query parameters are mutually exclusive. Use the fq parameter for a fielded search. Use the AND logical operator for multiple conditions.
The following table lists the parameters that you can use in the URL:
Specifies the string value or the search term. The query searches for occurrences of the search term anywhere in a record. Used in a simple search.
For example, the
query searches for records with the term STEVE.
To search for two or more terms together, include the terms in double quotation marks. Use the character + before each term if you want the search results to contain the term. If the field value contains a space, enclose the field value in single quotes.
Use the following query to search for an exact match to WILLIAM JOHN LAWSON:
Use the following query to search for WILLIAM, JOHN or LAWSON:
Use the following query to search for WILLIAM, JOHN, and LAWSON:
Person?q=WILLIAM JOHN LAWSON&queryOperator=AND
Specifies the string value or search term in a particular field. The query searches for the term only in that part of a record. Used in a targeted search based on indexed fields.
For example, the
query searches for records with the display name STEVE.
Specifies the fields that should be treated as facets or categories by which the search results are grouped. Specify only searchable fields. Used with the q and the fq parameters. Syntax is
For example, the
query searches for persons with the display name STEVE and groups the search results by the departments. Th search displays the records of the persons with the display name STEVE and these records are grouped by the departments.
Specifies the fields by which you can narrow down the search results. Specify only filterable fields. Used with the q and the fq parameters.
For example, the
query searches for persons with the display name STEVE and filters the search results by the birth date. The search displays the records of the persons who have the display name STEVE and whose date of birth is 27 November, 1980.
Specify a date within single quotation marks.
Specifies the number of child levels to return. Specify 2 to return the root node and its direct children, and 3 to return the root node, direct children, and grandchildren. Specify 1 to return the root node alone. By default, no depth is specified.
If no depth is specified, then the search results return the root node and children where a match for the search term is found.
For example, the
query searches for records with the term STEVE and returns information about the root record and its direct children.
Specifies whether the search finds any of the strings in the search term or all of the strings in the search term.
The parameter takes one of the following values:
  • OR
    . Searches for any of the strings listed in the
  • AND
    . Searches for all of the strings listed in the
If you do not specify this parameter, the default is
For example, the
Person?q=WILLIAM JOHN LAWSON&queryOperator=AND
query searches for records that contains WILLIAM, JOHN, and LAWSON.
Indicates whether the parent-child links are visible in the API response. Set the parameter to true to suppress all parent-child links in the response. Default is false.
For example, the
query searches for records with the term STEVE and returns the response where no parent-child links are visible.
Indicates whether to return the system fields in the result. Default is false.
Comma-separated list of field names with an optional prefix of
. The prefix
indicates to sort the results in ascending order, and the prefix
indicates to sort the results in descending order. Default is
If you want to use a child field to sort the results, use the full name of the field. For example,
When you specify more than one parameter, the result set is ordered by the parameter that is first in the list, followed by the next. For example, the
query sorts the results by display name in ascending order and then by city name in descending order.
Maximum number of search results that you want to sort. Default is 1000.
Specify a range with the
You can use the filters parameter to narrow down the search results within a specified range. You can specify the range for filterable fields of the numeric and the date data types.
Use the following format for the integer data type:
The range is from the fromValue to the toValue. For example, the
query narrows the search results and searches for records in the age group of 35 to 45.
Use the following format for the date data type:
The range is from the fromDate to the toDate. For example, the
query specifies the date of birth between 12 June 2000 and 12 June 2015.
When you specify a exact match date filter, enclose it within single quotation marks. When you specify a date range, do not use quotation marks.

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