Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Installing Customer 360 for Salesforce
  3. Upgrading Customer 360 for Salesforce
  4. Assigning Permissions
  5. Configuring Page Layout
  6. Appendix A: Glossary

Step 7: Configuring the Person Account Object Field Sets

Step 7: Configuring the Person Account Object Field Sets

Use the Person Account Field Set Settings to configure the person account object field sets. This setting is available in orgs where the person account object is enabled.
To create or edit field sets for person account objects, perform the following tasks:
  1. Based on the Salesforce environment that you use, perform the following tasks:
    • In Salesforce Classic, from the
      section of the
      CC360 Admin
      tab, click
      Run the Setup Wizard
    • In Lightning Experience, perform the following tasks:
      1. On the navigation menu, click
        CC360 Admin
        Manage CC360
        page appears.
      2. From the
        section, click
        Run the Setup Wizard
  2. Under
    , click
    Person Account Field Set
  3. To add a field to the list of selected fields, select the field from the list of available person account related fields and click the
    icon . Repeat this step to include all the fields that you want to be part of the person account field set.
  4. To remove a field from the list of selected fields, select the field from the list of selected fields and click the
    icon. Repeat this step to remove all the fields that you want to remove from the person account field set.
  5. Click
  6. Refresh the page. You can view the newly added fields in the
    Fields present in the Field Set
    If no platform fields are selected from Account or Person Account objects field sets, then default fields are added to the field set. This setting is stored in
    Custom Settings
    Internal Settings
To reset the settings for person account field sets, run the following command from the Salesforce Developer Console:
DSE.API_SettingsManager.resetInternalSetting('ds_personaccountdupelistfields'); DSE.API_SettingsManager.resetInternalSetting('ds_personaccountmergefields'); DSE.API_SettingsManager.resetInternalSetting('ds_personaccountsearchfields');
If the total length of the comma-separated list of the person account specific fields exceed 255 characters, then the internal settings displays a warning.


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