Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Installing Cloud MDM - Customer 360 for Salesforce
  3. Upgrading Cloud MDM - Customer 360 for Salesforce
  4. Configuring Page Layout
  5. Glossary

Step 2. Deleting the Transaction Entries in the EventQueue Table (Optional)

Optionally, delete all the transaction entries in the EventQueue table if the lookup fields of account, contact, and lead are null. The EventQueue table stores the address standardization requests as the transaction entries.
Use the following sample code to retrieve and delete the transaction entries in the EventQueue table if the lookup fields of account, contact, and lead are null:
DELETE [SELECT Id from DSE__DS_Event_Queue__c WHERE DSE__DS_Account__c = NULL AND DSE__DS_Contact__c = NULL AND DSE__DS_Lead__c = NULL]


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