Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Servers
  4. Console Client
  5. Search Clients
  6. Table Loader
  7. Update Synchronizer
  8. Globalization
  9. Siebel Connector
  10. Web Services
  11. ASM Workbench
  12. System Backup and Restore
  13. Batch Utilities

Search and Rulebase Servers

Search and Rulebase Servers

Specify appropriate switches to start an XML Search Server, Synchronization Search Server, HTTP Search Server, Rulebase Server, or a combined Search and Rulebase Servers.
Run the following command to start a Search Server or a Rulebase Server:
  • On Windows:
    %SSABIN%\ssasrsv <Switches>
  • On UNIX:
    $SSABIN/ssasrsv <Switches>
If you want to start a Search Server or a Rulebase Server as a background process, run the following command:
  • On Windows:
    start "<Window Title>" %SSABIN%\ssasrsv <Switches>
  • On UNIX:
    $SSABIN/ssasrsv <Switches> &
Use the following switches when you start a Search Server or a Rulebase Server:
Starts a Search Server that listens for client connections on the specified port number.
Starts an XML Search Server that listens for client connections on the specified port number.
Starts a Synchronization Server that listens for client connections on the specified port number.
Starts a HTTP Search Server that listens for client connections on the specified port number.
Starts a RuleBase Server that listens for client connections on the specified port number.
Starts a Search Server configured to access a remote Rulebase Server. Specify the host name of the Search Server and the port number on which the server listens for client connections. Use the
switch with the
-z<Host Name1>:<Port1>[,<Host Name2>:<Port2>,<Host Name3>:<Port3>…, <Host NameN>:<PortN>
List of ZooKeeper servers based on the host name of the ZooKeeper server and the port on which the host listens for connections.
Specifies the number of requested match threads. The default value is 1. Specify this argument if your typical usage is a small number of long running searches that might require multiple threads.
Specifies the maximum number of times to retry (Max) when a connection to the database fails and the number of seconds (Wait) that a Search Server or the Rulebase Server waits to retry the connection. For example,
indicates that the Search Server or the Rulebase Server can try up to five times to connect to the database for every three seconds. The default value is
. If
, the Search Server or the Rulebase Server retries indefinitely until the connection to the database succeeds.
Specifies the file that logs the standard output messages (
Specifies the file that logs the standard error messages (
Optional. Specifies the file that logs the error and debug messages.
-u<Rulebase Options>
Controls optional aspects of the Rulebase Server behavior.
Use the following Rulebase Server options:
  • 0x0001 (1
    ). Stores the Rulebase cache in memory when no users are currently connected. Specifying this option improves the Rulebase Server performance, and omitting this option reduces the memory utilization.
  • 0x0100 (256
    ). Forces the Rulebase Server to restart when a Rulebase read operation fails. This option is helpful when the database server bounces and disconnects the Rulebase Server’s connections. If you do not set this option, the Rulebase Server might fail a client’s requests that require database access. However, the clients that access the cached rules function normally.
The value that you specify with the
switch is treated as a decimal value, unless you prefix the value with
. You can specify a combination of options by adding the values together. For example, to store the Rulebase cache in memory and force the server to restart on a read error, specify
Use the following guidelines when you start a server:
  • To start a combined Search and Rulebase Servers, specify the
  • To start a standalone Search Server, specify the
  • To start a standalone Rulebase Server, specify the
  • To start a standalone XML Search Server, specify the
  • To start a standalone Synchronization Server, specify the
  • To start a standalone HTTP Search Server, specify the


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