Table of Contents


  1. Version 10.0
  2. Version 9.5.4
  3. Version 9.5.3
  4. Version 9.5.2
  5. Version 9.5.0

Rulebase Server Group

Rulebase Server Group

In an environment that uses Rulebase Server Group, when you start a Rulebase or Search Server, you can use the following additional parameters:
  • -e
    . Indicates not to shut down the secondary servers when the primary server shuts down.
  • -o<Restart Option>
    . Defines the behavior of the server after the connection to the database is lost.
  • -t<Number of Retries>,<Frequency>
    . Maximum number of attempts for the secondary server to establish the database connection and the time interval between two attempts.
  • -w<Frequency>,<Priority>
    . Polling frequency and the priority for the server.
For more information about the Rulebase Server Group, see the
Identity Resolution
Operations Guide


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