Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Installation Overview
  3. Installing Identity Resolution
  4. Post-Installation Tasks
  5. Troubleshooting
  6. Upgrading Identity Resolution
  7. Uninstalling Identity Resolution

Installation and Configuration Guide

Installation and Configuration Guide

Identity Resolution Installation

Identity Resolution

Identity Resolution
searches identity data to identify matches accurately regardless of language, format, structure, location, duplication, omissions, or errors.
Identity Resolution
contains server components, client components, and standard populations. Before you install
Identity Resolution
, review the system requirements, and perform the pre-installation tasks.
You can install the server components, client components, and standard populations on the same computer or on separate computers. If you plan to install the server components and client components on separate computers, you must first install the server components. You can also install the server components and client components on the computer on which you installed the database.
After you install the components of
Identity Resolution
, perform the post-installation tasks that are specific to your source and target database.


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