Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Servers
  4. Console Client
  5. Search Clients
  6. Table Loader
  7. Update Synchronizer
  8. Globalization
  9. Siebel Connector
  10. Web Services
  11. ASM Workbench
  12. System Backup and Restore
  13. Batch Utilities

Sequence Numbers

Sequence Numbers

The Synchronization Server can process updates from many sources at once. To ensure updates to the same IDT record are performed in the desired order sequence numbers are used. The Synchronization Server conforms to the same format for sequence numbers as NSA transaction table. That is a 32 byte string. This means that string comparison are used for ordering purposes. If using numbers they should be right justified, zero filled. We recommend using a single pool of sequence numbers for every IDT.


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