Populations and Controls

Populations and Controls

SSA-NAME3 Controls

SSA-NAME3 Controls

MDM Registry Edition
, when the Key-Logic, Search-Logic, and Score-Logic definitions are set to SSA, the setting starts the SSA-NAME3 key-building, search, and match services at runtime.
When you start the SSA-NAME3 services, specify the controls that you want to use. The format and the content of the controls depend on the service that you start.


Use the following conventions when you specify a control:
  • The syntax of a control is
  • Separate multiple controls with spaces. The keyword or the value does not contain any spaces.
  • Enclose a control within square brackets ([ ]) if the control is optional.
  • The controls are not case sensitive.
  • Control values such as field names, search names, and purpose names depend upon the Population Rules that you use. For a definitive list of the control values for your population, use the SSA-NAME3 Workbench.


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