MDM Registry Edition
- MDM Registry Edition 10.2 HotFix 1
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%SSABIN%\ssacs [-h<Host>:<Port>] [-s<Search>] [-w<WorkDir>] [-p<System>] [-r<Rulebase>]
$SSABIN/ssacs [-h<Host>:<Port>] [-s<Search>] [-w<WorkDir>] [-p<System>] [-r<Rulebase>]
The following parameters are common to both clients:
RULEDB= the Rulebase (default 0:system/manager).
ADDRESS= the Host name of the MDM-RE Connection Server.
PORT= the Host port of the MDM-RE Connection Server.
SEARCH= the initial Search to open (optional)
SYSTEM= the name of the System to open (default is "test").
The following parameters are for the default Search Client:
SIZE= the initial size of the window (default 1100x820)
FONT= the initial font of the tables (default Courier).
FONTSIZE= the initial font size of the table (default 12).
DIV_LOCATION= the location of the divider between the history pane and the current pane of a search (default 0.5).
REFRESH_RATE= the number of records which will be loaded before the screen is refreshed (default is 2).
OUI_VERBOSITY= the verbosity of an
OpenUser call.