MDM Registry Edition
- MDM Registry Edition 10.2
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SQL07323N An error occurred in a triggered SQL statement in trigger "SSA.IDS0000U" Information returned from the error includes SQLCODE "-444", SQLSTATE "42724" and message tokens "*_VARCHAR|SQL050704134911400|...qllib/function". SQLSTATE=09000
SQL1224N A database agent could not be started to service a request, or was terminated as a result of a database system shutdown or a force command.
db2 catalog db <Database Name> as <Database Alias> db2 uncatalog db <Database Name> db2 catalog db <Database Alias> as <Database Name> at node <Node Name>
The module has an invalid magic number.
cd <IBM DB2 UDB Installation Directory>/sqllib/lib ar -x -X 64 libdb2.a mv shr_64.o db2_64.o