MDM Registry Edition
- MDM Registry Edition 10.2
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$SSABIN/iirconfig-tool -p|--print [<Key>] -u|--update [<Key>=<Value>|<File Name>] -h|--host <Connection Details of the Rulebase Server> -r|--rulebase <Name of the Rulebase> -s|--system <Name of the Sysem> [-a|--audit-log [<File Name for Audit Log>]] [-t|--test] [-e|--escape] [-f|--force] [-q|--quiet] [-v|--verbose]
$SSABIN/iirconfig-tool -h OrgHost:8080 -r odb:0:myuid/mypassw@oraserv -s SalesSystem -p '(System)SalesSystem:Compress_Method'
The following command updates the values of all the keys that you add to the$SSABIN/iirconfig-tool --host OrgHost:8080 --rulebase odb:0:myuid/mypassw@oraserv --system SalesSystem --update '(System)SalesSystem:Compress_Method=[Default]'
$SSABIN/iirconfig-tool --host OrgHost:8080 --rulebase odb:0:myuid/mypassw@oraserv --system SalesSystem --update update.txt
$SSABIN/iirconfig-tool -h OrgHost:8080 -r odb:0:myuid/mypassw@oraserv -s SalesSystem -u '(System)SalesSystem:Compress_Method=[From IDT]' -t
$SSABIN/iirconfig-tool -h OrgHost:8080 -r odb:0:myuid/mypassw@oraserv -s SalesSystem -p -e
If the utility successfully updates the (System)SalesSystem key, you get the following output:$SSABIN/iirconfig-tool -h OrgHost:8080 -r odb:0:myuid/mypassw@oraserv -s SalesSystem -u '(System)SalesSystem:Comment=New Value' -v
(System)testx538:Comment old="Outdated Value" new="New Value"