Multidomain MDM
- Multidomain MDM 10.3 HotFix 1
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| Description
Subject Areas
| Define subject area groups, subject areas, subject area children, and subject area grandchildren for the selected IDD application.
| Define tasks for the selected IDD application. For more information, see the Configuration Manager online help.
| Available only if the Informatica Data Components (IDC) feature is licensed for your MDM Hub implementation. For more information, see the Configuration Manager online help and the
Informatica Data Components Implementation Guide .
| Description
Save | Saves the latest changes to the database. If the application state is anything but Not Deployed (-1), then the IDD application is redeployed after you save the changes.
Validate | Runs validation on the current IDD application configuration and displays the validation report.
Bind | Used to change the logical ORS binding.
Generate Business Entity Schema | Generates configuration files for all business entities in the IDD application.