Cleanse Functions

Informatica MDM Hub comes with a standard set of cleanse functions that consist of common string manipulation functions, logical operations, data conversion functions, and pre-built cleanse lists (a specific type of cleanse function). You can combine these standard functions into custom functions that perform data manipulation specific to the data cleanse requirements of a particular source system.
A number of custom cleanse functions have been created as part of the sample ORS configuration. These functions can be found in the Cleanse Function tool. They are stored in the Custom, CustomUtilityLibrary, General Processing, and IDD Cleanse and Validation Library folders. There are also some sample cleanse lists in the Noise Filters folder.
In addition to these custom functions, the sample ORS contains cleanse function libraries (folders) for third-party data quality tools (for example,
Informatica Address Verification
) and third-party data service providers. You can access the functionality of these products using special adapters developed on the Informatica MDM Open Cleanse architecture that allows for plugging-in third-party data quality tools.
These third-party cleanse adapters can be purchased separately, as needed, from Informatica. For more details, please contact your Informatica Account Manager.
The cleanse functions based on these products will not function unless the underlying third-party software and Informatica MDM cleanse adapter is correctly installed and configured on your system.
This cleanse graph function is used to cleanse North American (NA) addresses. It combines the
Informatica Address Verification
cleanse function with other cleanse functions to create a complex function that is used as a component of the address cleanse maps. The function can also be called as a stand alone service through the SIF API.
This cleanse graph function parses phone numbers into the different components of a North American phone number.


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