Multidomain MDM
- Multidomain MDM 10.3 HotFix 1
- All Products
| Description
Ref. #
| The row number.
Check Code
| A code that identifies a specific data issue.
| Provides a brief description of the issue that causes the error for that particular check code.
Fix Type
Original Count
| Displays the number of data issues that the initial data check found.
Current Count
| Displays the number of data issues that the most recent data check found.
| Description
Ref. #
| The row number.
Check Code
| A code that identifies a specific data issue.
| Provides a brief description of the issue that causes the error for that particular check code.
Fix Type
Foreign Key Name
| The name of the foreign key in the schema that has data issues.
Original Count
| Displays the number of data issues that the initial data check found.
Current Count
| Displays the number of data issues that the most recent data check found.
< base object name >
| Displays the number of data issues for a particular base object for each foreign key with issues. Each base object with a data issue has a column in the details of the auto mandatory fix issues.