You can use the Provisioning tool to configure the business entity views that you want to use for search. A search result includes only the fields that are part of the business entity view that you configure for search results.
Before you configure the searchable views, create the business entity views that you want to use for the search results.
To display child record fields of a business entity in the search results, use a business entity view that is transformed from a business entity. Ensure that the view includes child record fields at the root record level.
Open a supported browser, and use the following URL to log into the Provisioning tool:
https://<MDM Hub Server host name>:<MDM Server port number>/provisioning/
From the
list, select the database with which your application is associated.
Application Editor
page appears.
From the
list, select the application for which you want to configure search.
If you do not have an application, create one before you can configure search.
In the tree view panel, click the
Search Configuration
In the properties panel, for each business entity, select the search view.
If you do not select a search view, the search results contain the full business entity.
The search views configuration is saved to the temporary workspace.
Publish the changes to the MDM Hub.
A confirmation dialog box appears that prompts you to publish or review the changes.
Review the changes or publish without a review.
To publish without a review, click
To publish after a review, click
Review Changes
and follow the instructions that appear on the screen.