Table of Contents


  1. Introduction
  2. Samples and Examples
  3. Tools and Utilities
  4. SDK Resources

Step 2. Test the Database Performance

Step 2. Test the Database Performance

Ensure that you run the database performance test in the schema of the Operational Reference Store (ORS). Before you use the database performance testing utility, extract the
file to an empty directory.
  1. Extract the
    The following table describes the files contained in the
    File Name
    Utility JAR to test the database performance
    Oracle JDBC driver
    Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver
    IBM DB2 JDBC driver
    Sample properties file that contains the properties to be configured for testing the database performance
  2. Open a command prompt.
  3. To test the database performance, run the database performance testing utility.
    • To perform a quick run of the database performance testing utility with some basic information, use the commands in the following table:
      Database Type
      On Windows.
      java -cp mdmutil.jar;ojdbc6.jar com.infa.mdm.util.TestElapsedTime Oracle <host name> <port> <service name> <user name> <password> <number of records to process>
      On UNIX.
      java -cp mdmutil.jar:ojdbc6.jar com.infa.mdm.util.TestElapsedTime Oracle <host name> <port> <service name> <user name> <password> <number of records to process>
      IBM DB2
      On Windows.
      java -cp mdmutil.jar;db2jcc.jar com.infa.mdm.util.TestElapsedTime DB2 <host name> <port> <database name> <user name> <password> <number of records to process>
      On UNIX.
      java -cp mdmutil.jar:db2jcc.jar com.infa.mdm.util.TestElapsedTime DB2 <host name> <port> <database name> <user name> <password> <number of records to process>
      Microsoft SQL Server
      On Windows.
      java -cp mdmutil.jar;sqljdbc4.jar com.infa.mdm.util.TestElapsedTime SqlServer <host name> <port> <database name> <user name> <password> <number of records to process>
      On UNIX.
      java -cp mdmutil.jar:sqljdbc4.jar com.infa.mdm.util.TestElapsedTime SqlServer <host name> <port> <database name> <user name> <password> <number of records to process>
    • To run the database performance testing utility multiple times with different properties, configure multiple properties files, and use the commands in the following table:
      Database Type
      On Windows.
      java -cp mdmutil.jar;ojdbc6.jar com.infa.mdm.util.TestElapsedTime -f <properties file name>
      On UNIX.
      java -cp mdmutil.jar:ojdbc6.jar com.infa.mdm.util.TestElapsedTime -f <properties file name>
      IBM DB2
      On Windows.
      java -cp mdmutil.jar;db2jcc.jar com.infa.mdm.util.TestElapsedTime -f <properties file name>
      On UNIX.
      java -cp mdmutil.jar:db2jcc.jar com.infa.mdm.util.TestElapsedTime -f <properties file name>
      Microsoft SQL Server
      On Windows.
      java -cp mdmutil.jar;sqljdbc4.jar com.infa.mdm.util.TestElapsedTime -f <properties file name>
      On UNIX.
      java -cp mdmutil.jar:sqljdbc4.jar com.infa.mdm.util.TestElapsedTime -f <properties file name>
    • To run the database performance testing utility multiple times with the same set of properties, configure the properties file, and include in
      before you run the commands in the following table:
      Database Type
      On Windows.
      java -cp mdmutil.jar;ojdbc6.jar com.infa.mdm.util.TestElapsedTime
      On UNIX.
      java -cp mdmutil.jar:ojdbc6.jar com.infa.mdm.util.TestElapsedTime
      IBM DB2
      On Windows.
      java -cp mdmutil.jar;db2jcc.jar com.infa.mdm.util.TestElapsedTime
      On UNIX.
      java -cp mdmutil.jar:db2jcc.jar com.infa.mdm.util.TestElapsedTime
      Microsoft SQL Server
      On Windows.
      java -cp mdmutil.jar;sqljdbc4.jar com.infa.mdm.util.TestElapsedTime
      On UNIX.
      java -cp mdmutil.jar:sqljdbc4.jar com.infa.mdm.util.TestElapsedTime
    The results appear in the command window.


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