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############################################################################### #################### ActiveVOS Server installation ############################ ############################################################################### ## Do you want to install ActiveVOS (Yes/No) AVOS.INSTALL=Yes ## Path to ActiveVOS Installer (ActiveVOS_Server_windows_9.2.4.3.exe for Windows or for Linux/UNIX) AVOS_INSTALLER_PATH=c\:\\ActiveVOS_Server_windows_9.2.4.3.exe ## ActiveVOS server install directory AVOS_INSTALL_DIR=C\:\\infamdm\\avos\\server ## Database type is the same as for HUB (There is no ability to set a different database type for ActiveVOS) ## Oracle connection data ## Connection Type SID or Service Name AVOS.ORACLE.CONNECTION.TYPE="Service Name" AVOS.DB.SERVER=localhost AVOS.DB.PORT=1521 ## Oracle SID name or service name AVOS.DB.SID=orcl AVOS.DB.SCHEMA_NAME=avos AVOS.DB.PASSWORD=!!cmx!! ## DB2 connection data AVOS.DB.SERVER=localhost AVOS.DB.PORT=50000 AVOS.DB.DBNAME=AVOS AVOS.DB.SCHEMA_NAME=AVOS AVOS.DB.USER=avos AVOS.DB.PASSWORD=!!cmx!! ## MSSQL connection data AVOS.DB.SERVER=localhost AVOS.DB.PORT=1433 AVOS.DB.DBNAME=avos AVOS.DB.USER=avos AVOS.DB.PASSWORD=!!cmx!! ##If you are moving from standalone ActiveVOS to embedded ActiveVOS, enter the details for the standalone ActiveVOS schema.
SIP.APPSERVER.WEB.URL=http://localhost:8080 ## Avos console's administrator username AVOS.CONSOLE.USER=aeadmin ## Avos console's administrator password AVOS.CONSOLE.PASSWORD=admin ##The user name and password must be the same as the ActiveVOS Console user name and password that was created in the application server during the pre-installation process.