Zero Downtime Installation Guide for Oracle

Zero Downtime Installation Guide for Oracle

Configuring an Additional DBA User in the MDM Hub

Configuring an Additional DBA User in the MDM Hub

In addition to the owner of the Operational Reference Store and the proxy user, you can configure the MDM Hub so that Oracle GoldenGate uses a different DBA user to connect to the Oracle database. For example, when the connection to the Oracle database is configured with ASM, you need an additional DBA user.
Create the user name and an encrypted password. Use sqlplus to insert the user credentials into the MDM Hub repository table C_REPOS_DB_RELEASE. Add the user name in the db_replication_username column, and add the password in the db_replication_password column. When the columns contain values, Oracle GoldenGate uses these credentials to establish a connection to the database.
To populate the encrypted password, generate an encrypted password using the GGSCI command:
GGSCI (in174283) 1> encrypt password <password> No key specified, using default key... Encrypted password: AACAAAAAAAAAAAGAMGMBUEODLIVEUFMJ
To generate an encrypted password for C_REPOS_DB_RELEASE.DB_REPLICATION_PASSWORD, use the default key.
For example:
GGSCI (in174283) 30> encrypt password password No key specified, using default key... Encrypted password: AACAAAAAAAAAAAIAADHGBAYFMJHITAZF Plaintext Password: password Encrypted Password: AACAAAAAAAAAAAIAADHGBAYFMJHITAZF


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