Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. IDD Concepts
  4. Implementation Process
  5. IDD Configuration Manager
  6. Manual IDD Configuration
  7. IDD Global Properties
  8. Sizing and Platform Requirements
  9. Application Components
  10. IDD Security Configuration
  11. Data Security
  12. Example Role-Based Security Configuration
  13. Data Masking
  14. Siperian BPM Workflow Engine
  15. Locale Codes
  16. Troubleshooting
  17. Glossary

Data Director Implementation Guide

Data Director Implementation Guide

Additional Configuration Tips

Additional Configuration Tips

  • If you want to allow a role to merge and/or unmerge data, you need to grant that role MERGE privileges on the base object.
  • If you want to allow a role to open records on the Hierarchy View tab, you need to grant them READ access on the HM_PROFILE resource (the Default profile or other applicable HM_PROFILE resource).
    Also grant the appropriate READ, CREATE, UPDATE and/or DELETE privileges on the HM_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE and HM_HIERARCHY_TYPE resource.
    To add an entity (Add Entity), the role must have CREATE privileges on the subject area. To add a relationship (Add Relationship), the role must have CREATE privileges on the REL table, and READ and CREATE privileges on the HM_PROFILE and READ and CREATE privileges on the HM_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE and HM_HIERARCHY_TYPE.


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