Table of Contents


  1. Abstract
  2. Introduction
  3. Installation and Upgrade
  4. 10.3 HotFix 3
  5. 10.3 HotFix 2
  6. 10.3 HotFix 1
  7. 10.3

Search with Solr Known Limitations

Search with Solr Known Limitations

Search refers to a full-text search on fields that are configured as searchable. Search with Solr was formerly referred to as
Smart Search
The following table describes known limitations:
Reference Number
After searching for a record, the actions in the search results include actions that are not applicable to a
Data Director
application with business entities.
After running a delete process with SIF APIs or business entity services, the search index is not deleted.
The Initially Index Smart Search Data job might fail with the following error:
SIP-52050: Failed to retrieve the ZooKeeper client instance because the connection to the ZooKeeper client instance timed out. No collection linked.
Workaround: Re-run the job after 10 minutes. If you get the same error again, restart the application server and re-run the job.
After you delete a pending record, you get the following error in the
[ERROR] com.informatica.mdm.sss.SmartSearchMDB: SIP-11041: Communication error "invalid stream header: 3C3F786D" occurs when making a request to Process Server
The Initially Index Smart Search Data job fails if a business entity name contains an underscore.
Workaround: Avoid underscores in business entity names.
When you use a search string within double quotes (") to perform an exact search, the search might not return the expected results.
Workaround: Prefix each double quote with a backslash (\) and search again. For example,
\"Robin Williams\"
After you set a field as a searchable field, a search request might fail.
Workaround: Perform one of the following tasks:
  • Reload the collection with the following URL:
    http://<Host Name>:<Port>/MDESolr/admin/collections?action=RELOAD&name=<Collection Name>
    Host Name
    indicates the host name of the Process Server that you use as a ZooKeeper server, and
    indicates the port number on which the Process Server listens.
    Collection Name
    is the name of the collection or business entity to which you added the field.
    You can get the collection name from the following directory:
    <MDM Hub Installation Directory>\hub\cleanse\solr
    For example,
    is the collection name for the Person business entity.
  • Stop the application server, delete the ZooKeeper data directory, and then restart the application server.
A search request might return one of the following errors:
  • [SearchService_30027]Exception occured while getting query the constructor
  • An internal error occurred. Contact an administrator to get more information for the client tool logs. If the administrator cannot determine the cause of the error, contact Informatica Global Customer Support.
Workaround: Restart the application server, and try again. If you get the same error, perform the following tasks:
  1. Stop the application server.
  2. Delete the ZooKeeper data directory.
  3. If you enabled search on multiple process servers, delete the following directory:
    <MDM Hub Installation Directory>\hub\cleanse\solr
  4. Restart the application server.
  5. If you delete the
    directory, run the Initially Index Smart Search Data job.
  6. Perform the search again.
The WADL files for the REST services are out of date.
Workaround: For information about the REST services, see the
Multidomain MDM Business Entity Services Guide
When you search for a negative number or use a negative number to filter the search results, you get the following error:
[SIP-11008] SIP-11008: [SearchServiceClient_00028] You cannot use the following operators in the search string: AND, NOT, -, and OR. Add + before each search word if the search results must contain the word. Do not add + if the search word is optional or single word.
After you restart the application server, the Initially Index Smart Search Data job or a search request might return the following error in the application server log file:
No live SolrServers available to handle this request
Workaround: Restart the application server.
If you configure the search to display many results, some browsers do not display all the records or become unresponsive.
A search request does not facet the dates that are earlier than 1970.
The search UI displays two filters with the same name without identifying the objects that the filters act upon. Filter fields do not have to be unique. A root object and a child object can both have a field with the same name, such as Name, and both fields can be configured as a filter.
Workaround: Ensure that column names are unique for the root object and its children.
If the composite objects do not include a field named
, the
column in the Search workspace displays random field values when you perform a search.
Workaround: To set a field for the
column, use a database tool to open the C_REPOS_CO_CS_CONFIG table and set the
property of the composite objects to an appropriate field in the BLOB data of the SEARCHABLE_CO configuration type.
The Initially Index Smart Search Data job might return incorrect metrics if you run the job more than once.
After you enable search on the Process Server, the application server log file does not include any relevant error message if the collection creation fails due to insufficient memory.
When you search for a negative value, the search request returns the positive and negative matching values.


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