Table of Contents


  1. Introduction
  2. Samples and Examples
  3. Tools and Utilities
  4. SDK Resources

Deleting a User in the MDM Hub Master Database

Deleting a User in the MDM Hub Master Database

You can delete a user that is registered in the MDM Hub Master Database.
The user name that you specify is not case sensitive.
  1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the following directory:
    On UNIX.
    <Resource Kit installation directory>/automation/Misc_Automation
    On Windows.
    <Resource Kit installation directory>\automation\Misc_Automation
  2. To delete a user, run the following command:
    On Windows.
    DeleteUsers.cmd -u <user name>
    On UNIX. -u <user name>
    The user that you specify is deleted from the MDM Hub Master Database.


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