Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Upgrade Overview
  3. Pre-Upgrade Tasks
  4. Database Tasks
  5. Application Server Tasks
  6. Hub Store Upgrade
  7. Hub Server Upgrade (In-place Upgrade)
  8. Process Server Upgrade (In-place Upgrade)
  9. Resource Kit Upgrade (In-place Upgrade)
  10. Post-Upgrade Tasks
  11. Search Configuration Upgrade
  12. ActiveVOS Post-Installation Tasks for the Application Server
  13. ActiveVOS Post-Upgrade Tasks for Business Entity Adapter
  14. ActiveVOS Post-Upgrade Tasks for Subject Areas Adapter
  15. Troubleshooting the Upgrade Process
  16. Frequently Asked Questions
  17. Processing Existing ActiveVOS Tasks
  18. Configuring Metadata Caching

Upgrading from Version 9.0.1 or 9.1.0 for Oracle

Upgrading from Version 9.0.1 or 9.1.0 for Oracle

The Readiness Report

The Readiness Report

The readiness report identifies the data issues that you must resolve before you migrate the schema to the new data structure. Run a script to perform a data check and create the
report ID
The readiness report outlines the issues that you must resolve before you upgrade.
The readiness report contains the following sections:
Detailed Temporary Data Tables
Lists the names of the temporary data tables that contain a copy of the records with data issues. Refer to the information in these tables to investigate and resolve data issues.
Lists all issues found during the data check.
The following table describes the information in each column:
Ref. #
Row number
Check Code
Code that identifies the data issue
Issue that causes the error for that particular check code
Fix Type
Issue in the
Auto Mandatory Fix
section have a fix type of
Foreign Key Name
Name of the foreign key with data issues
Original Count
Number of data issues that the initial data check found
Current Count
Number of data issues that the most recent data check found
Details of Auto Mandatory Fix Issues
Lists the issues that are fixed by running a script. You must fix these issues before you upgrade.
The following table describes the information in each column:
Ref. #
Row number
Check Code
Code that identifies the data issue
Issue that causes the error for that particular check code
Fix Type
Issue in the
Auto Mandatory Fix
section have a fix type of
Foreign Key Name
Name of the foreign key with data issues
Original Count
Number of data issues that the initial data check found
Current Count
Number of data issues that the most recent data check found
base object name
Number of data issues for a particular base object.
Number of issues not specific to a particular base object
Two rows below the details of the auto mandatory fix issues identify the base object table record count and the cross-reference table record count. These rows display the total number of base object and cross-reference tables in the schema to provide some perspective on the percentage of records that have data issues.
Details of Manual Mandatory Fix Issues
Lists the issues you cannot run a script to fix. You must fix these issues before you upgrade.
The following table describes the information in the column:
Ref. #
Row number
Check Code
Code that identifies the data issue
Description of the issue that caused the error
Object Name
Name of the base object that the issue affects
Detail of Manual Warnings
Lists the issues that are optional to fix before upgrading. The manual warnings cannot be fixed by running a script.
The following table describes the information in the column:
Ref. #
Row number
Check Code
Code that identifies the data issue
Description of the issue that caused the error
Object Name
Name of the base object that the issue affects
Warning of Columns Unrelated to Hierarchy Manager in Hierarchy Relationship Base Objects
Lists the base object table name, the name of the user column, and the number of records that the upgrade process merges. The upgrade process merges duplicate hierarchy manager relationship base objects records so that the MDM Hub can maintain the effective periods in the cross-reference table. Assess the impact that the merge has on the user columns.


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