Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Business Entity Services
  3. Enterprise Java Bean Business Entity Service Calls
  4. Representational State Transfer Business Entity Service Calls
  5. Simple Object Access Protocol Business Entity Service Calls
  6. Services for Cross-reference Records and BVT Calculations
  7. Supporting Corporate Linkage Service
  8. External Calls to Cleanse, Analyze, and Transform Data
  9. Appendix A: Using REST APIs to Add Records
  10. Appendix B: Using REST APIs to Upload Files
  11. Appendix C: Using REST APIs to Manage Reports

Managing the Out of the Box Reports

Managing the Out of the Box Reports

To use the out of the box reports to collect data about your master data, run the update jobs associated to the out of the box reports. After you run the update jobs, in the Provisioning tool, you can populate Chart components with the report data.
Before you begin, review the out of the box reports and determine the reports that you want to use. For more information, see Out of the Box Reports.
  1. To run the update job associated to the out of the box report, in the browser address bar, enter the REST URL from the Run Report Update Job REST API.
    For example, the following REST URL runs the update job associated to the Tasks Overview by Status report:
    You registered the report and started collecting data based on the report criteria. The following sample response shows the status of the report update job:
    { "status": "PROCESSING" }
  2. To retrieve the status of the report update job, in the browser address bar, enter the REST URL from the Get Status of Report Update Job REST API.
    For example, following REST URL retrieves the status of the update job:
    The following sample response shows the status of the report update job:
    { "status": "COMPLETED_SUCCESSFULLY", "jobId": "SVR1.2X9N1 ", "lastUpdateDate": "2019-10-31T14:37:11.846-04:00", "startRunDate": "2019-10-31T14:37:09.120-04:00" }
  3. To retrieve the report configuration and data, in the browser address bar, enter the REST URL from Get Report Configuration and Data REST API.
    For example, the following REST URL retrieves the report configuration and data:
    The following sample response shows the report configuration and data:
    { "metadata":{ "fieldsMetadata":[ "DIMENSION_VALUE_1", "DIMENSION_VALUE_2", "TIMEPERIOD_VALUE", "METRIC_VALUE", "DRILLDOWN_RPT_ID" ], "ROWID_RPT_CONFIG":"MDM.RPT.1 ", "DIMENSION_NAME_1":"Task Status", "METRIC_NAME":"Number of tasks", "DIMENSION_NAME_2":"Task Type", "TIMEPERIOD_NAME":null, "RPT_NAME":"Task Status/Type Report", "RPT_DESC":"Metrics for task status/type", "RPT_TYPE":null }, "data":[ [ "Overdue", "AVOSBeMerge", null, "36", "SVR1.4FCA2 " ], [ "Overdue", "AVOSBeReviewNoApprove", null, "189", "SVR1.4FC8E " ], [ "Overdue", "AVOSBeUpdate", null, "1", "SVR1.4FCAQ " ], [ "Overdue", "AVOSBeFinalReview", null, "1", "SVR1.4FC9W " ] ... ] }
  4. To retrieve the report configuration and drilldown reports, use the Get Report Configuration and Drilldown Reports REST API.
    For example, the following REST URL retrieves the report configuration and drilldown reports:
    The following sample response shows the report configuration and drilldown reports:
    { "ROWID_RPT_CONFIG":"MDM.RPT.1", "DIMENSION_NAME_1":"Task Status", "METRIC_NAME":"Number of tasks", "DIMENSION_NAME_2":"Task Type", "TIMEPERIOD_NAME":null, "RPT_NAME":"Task Status/Type Report", "RPT_DESC":"Metrics for task status/type", "RPT_TYPE":null, "DRILLDOWN":[ { "RPT_NAME":"Task's Owner per Task Status and Task Type", "DETAILED_RPT_IDS":[ "SVR1.4FCA3", "SVR1.4FCA4", "SVR1.4FCA5", "SVR1.4FCA6", "SVR1.4FCA7", "SVR1.4FC8F", "SVR1.4FC8G", "SVR1.4FC8H", "SVR1.4FC8I", "SVR1.4FC8J", "SVR1.4FCAR", "SVR1.4FCAS", "SVR1.4FCAT", "SVR1.4FCAU", "SVR1.4FCAV", "SVR1.4FC9X", "SVR1.4FC9Y", "SVR1.4FC9Z", "SVR1.4FCA0", "SVR1.4FCA1", "SVR1.4FC9L", "SVR1.4FC9M", "SVR1.4FC9N", "SVR1.4FC9O", "SVR1.4FC9P", "SVR1.4FC8L", "SVR1.4FC8M", "SVR1.4FC8N", "SVR1.4FC8O" ], "CONFIG_RPT_IDS":[ "SVR1.4FCA2", "SVR1.4FC8E", "SVR1.4FCAQ", "SVR1.4FC9W", "SVR1.4FC9K", "SVR1.4FC8K", "SVR1.4FCAW", "SVR1.4FC9E", "SVR1.4FC88", "SVR1.4FC8W", "SVR1.4FC82", "SVR1.4FC92", "SVR1.4FC98", "SVR1.4FCAE", "SVR1.4FCA8", "SVR1.4FCB8", "SVR1.4FC9Q", "SVR1.4FCAK", "SVR1.4FC8Q", "SVR1.4FCB2" ] } ] }


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