Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Business Entity Services
  3. EJB Business Entity Service Calls
  4. REST Business Entity Service Calls
  5. REST APIs for Data Director
  6. SOAP Business Entity Service Calls
  7. Cross-reference Records and BVT Calculations Services
  8. Supporting Corporate Linkage Service
  9. External Calls to Cleanse, Analyze, and Transform Data
  10. Appendix A: Using REST APIs to Add Records
  11. Appendix B: Using REST APIs to Upload Files
  12. Appendix C: Using REST APIs to Manage Reports

Get Metadata Response

Get Metadata Response

The following example shows some excerpts of the data structure of the Person business entity:
{ "object": { "field": [ { "allowedValues": [ "Person" ], "name": "partyType", "label": "Party Type", "dataType": "String", "length": 255, "totalDigits": 0, "fractionDigits": 0, "readOnly": false, "required": false, "system": false }, { "name": "imageUrl", "label": "Image URL", "dataType": "ImageURL", "length": 255, "totalDigits": 0, "fractionDigits": 0, "readOnly": false, "required": false, "system": false }, { "name": "statusCd", "label": "Status Cd", "dataType": "String", "length": 2, "totalDigits": 0, "fractionDigits": 0, "readOnly": false, "required": false, "system": false }, { "name": "displayName", "label": "Display Name", "dataType": "String", "length": 200, "totalDigits": 0, "fractionDigits": 0, "readOnly": false, "required": false, "system": false }, { "name": "birthdate", "label": "Birthdate", "dataType": "Date", "length": 0, "totalDigits": 0, "fractionDigits": 0, "readOnly": false, "required": false, "system": false }, { "name": "firstName", "label": "First Name", "dataType": "String", "length": 50, "totalDigits": 0, "fractionDigits": 0, "readOnly": false, "required": false, "system": false }, { "name": "lastName", "label": "Last Name", "dataType": "String", "length": 50, "totalDigits": 0, "fractionDigits": 0, "readOnly": false, "required": false, "system": false }, { "name": "middleName", "label": "Middle Name", "dataType": "String", "length": 50, "totalDigits": 0, "fractionDigits": 0, "readOnly": false, "required": false, "system": false }, { "name": "dirtyIndicator", "label": "Dirty Indicator", "dataType": "Integer", "length": 38, "totalDigits": 0, "fractionDigits": 0, "readOnly": true, "required": false, "system": true }, { "name": "hubStateInd", "label": "Hub State Ind", "dataType": "Integer", "length": 38, "totalDigits": 0, "fractionDigits": 0, "readOnly": true, "required": false, "system": true }, { "name": "cmDirtyInd", "label": "Content metadata dirty Ind", "dataType": "Integer", "length": 38, "totalDigits": 0, "fractionDigits": 0, "readOnly": true, "required": false, "system": true }, { "name": "lastRowidSystem", "label": "Last Rowid System", "dataType": "String", "length": 14, "totalDigits": 0, "fractionDigits": 0, "readOnly": true, "required": false, "system": true }, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { "name": "genderCd", "label": "Gender Cd", "dataType": "lookup", "readOnly": false, "required": false, "system": false, "lookup": { "link": [ { "href": "http://localhost:8080/cmx/cs/localhost-hub101-ds_ui1/LUGender?action=list&idlabel=genderCode%3AgenderDisp", "rel": "lookup" }, { "href": "http://localhost:8080/cmx/cs/localhost-hub101-ds_ui1/LUGender?action=list", "rel": "list" } ], "object": "LUGender", "key": "genderCode", "value": "genderDisp" } } ], ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "child": [ { "field": [ { "name": "cityName", "label": "City Name", "dataType": "String", "length": 100, "totalDigits": 0, "fractionDigits": 0, "readOnly": false, "required": false, "system": false }, { "name": "addressLine2", "label": "Address Line2", "dataType": "String", "length": 100, "totalDigits": 0, "fractionDigits": 0, "readOnly": false, "required": false, "system": false }, { "name": "addressLine1", "label": "Address Line1", "dataType": "String", "length": 100, "totalDigits": 0, "fractionDigits": 0, "readOnly": false, "required": false, "system": false }, { "name": "isValidInd", "label": "Is Valid Ind", "dataType": "String", "length": 1, "totalDigits": 0, "fractionDigits": 0, "readOnly": false, "required": false, "system": false }, { "name": "postalCd", "label": "Postal Cd", "dataType": "String", "length": 10, "totalDigits": 0, "fractionDigits": 0, "readOnly": false, "required": false, "system": false }, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { "name": "countryCode", "label": "Country Code", "dataType": "lookup", "readOnly": false, "required": false, "system": false, "dependents": [ "Person.Address.Address.stateCd" ], "lookup": { "link": [ { "href": "http://localhost:8080/cmx/cs/localhost-hub101-ds_ui1/LUCountry?action=list", "rel": "list" }, { "href": "http://localhost:8080/cmx/cs/localhost-hub101-ds_ui1/LUCountry?action=list&idlabel=countryCode%3AcountryNameDisp", "rel": "lookup" } ], "object": "LUCountry", "key": "countryCode", "value": "countryNameDisp" } }, { "name": "stateCd", "label": "State Cd", "dataType": "lookup", "readOnly": false, "required": false, "system": false, "parents": [ "Person.Address.Address.countryCode" ], "lookup": { "link": [ { "href": "http://localhost:8080/cmx/cs/localhost-hub101-ds_ui1/LUCountry/{Person.Address.Address.countryCode}/LUState?action=list", "rel": "list" }, { "href": "http://localhost:8080/cmx/cs/localhost-hub101-ds_ui1/LUCountry/{Person.Address.Address.countryCode}/LUState?action=list&idlabel=stateAbbreviation%3AstateNameDisp", "rel": "lookup" } ], "object": "LUCountry.LUState", "key": "stateAbbreviation", "value": "stateNameDisp" } } ], "name": "Address", "label": "Address", "many": false } ], "name": "Address", "label": "Contact Address", "many": true }, { "field": [ { "name": "phoneNum", "label": "Phone Number", "dataType": "String", "length": 13, "totalDigits": 0, "fractionDigits": 0, "readOnly": false, "required": false, "system": false }, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { "name": "phoneTypeCd", "label": "Phone Type", "dataType": "lookup", "readOnly": false, "required": false, "system": false, "lookup": { "link": [ { "href": "http://localhost:8080/cmx/cs/localhost-hub101-ds_ui1/LUPhoneType?action=list&idlabel=phoneType%3AphoneTypeDisp", "rel": "lookup" }, { "href": "http://localhost:8080/cmx/cs/localhost-hub101-ds_ui1/LUPhoneType?action=list", "rel": "list" } ], "object": "LUPhoneType", "key": "phoneType", "value": "phoneTypeDisp" } } ], "name": "Telephone", "label": "Telephone", "many": true } ], "name": "Person", "label": "Person", "many": false } }


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