Multidomain MDM
- Multidomain MDM 10.4 HotFix 3
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| Description
| Indicates the key of the record to be tokenized.
| Action type returned from a previous
Put or
CleansePut request.
Insert indicates that the record has not been tokenized.
Update and
Update xref indicate that the record has been previously tokenized and the tokens need regenerated.
| The name of the package or base object.
TokenizeRequest request = new TokenizeRequest(); request.setSiperianObjectUid( SiperianObjectType.PACKAGE.makeUid( "ADDRESS_UPDATE" ) ); RecordKey recordKey = new RecordKey(); recordKey.setRowid("782"); request.setRecordKey( recordKey ); request.setActionType("Insert"); TokenizeResponse response = (TokenizeResponse) sipClient.process(request);