Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Business Entity Services
  3. Enterprise Java Bean Business Entity Service Calls
  4. Representational State Transfer Business Entity Service Calls
  5. Simple Object Access Protocol Business Entity Service Calls
  6. Services for Cross-reference Records and BVT Calculations
  7. Supporting Corporate Linkage Service
  8. External Calls to Cleanse, Analyze, and Transform Data
  9. Appendix A: Using REST APIs to Add Records
  10. Appendix B: Using REST APIs to Upload Files
  11. Appendix C: Using REST APIs to Manage Reports

Standard Query Parameters

Standard Query Parameters

The business entity services REST APIs use standard query parameters to filter, paginate, and expand the results.
Use a question mark (?) to separate the query parameters from the other parameters. Query parameters are key-value pairs separated by the equal sign. Use an ampersand (&) to separate a sequence of query parameters.
The following REST request URL shows how to use query parameters:
Use the following standard query parameters:
Specifies the number of rows to return. Default is 10.
Specifies the first row in the result. Default is 1. Used in subsequent calls to read more pages.
Specifies the search token returned with previous request. You can use the search token to fetch subsequent pages of search results. For example, the following query lists the first page:
The following query returns the second page:
If set to true, returns the number of records in the result. Default is false.
Specifies the number of child levels to include in the result.


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