Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Installation Overview
  3. Pre-Installation Tasks
  4. Hub Store Installation
  5. Hub Store Post-Installation Tasks
  6. Hub Server Installation
  7. Hub Server Post-Installation Tasks
  8. Process Server Installation
  9. Process Server Post-Installation Tasks
  10. ActiveVOS Post-Installation Tasks for the Application Server
  11. ActiveVOS Post-Installation Tasks for the Business Entity Adapter
  12. Resource Kit Installation
  13. Troubleshooting the MDM Hub
  14. Uninstallation

Installation Guide for Oracle Database with WebLogic

Installation Guide for Oracle Database with WebLogic

Adding Users

Adding Users

Add the MDM Hub administrators and users that you want to authenticate with the ActiveVOS Server.
  1. Add users with user credentials that match MDM Hub administrators and MDM Hub users.
    1. On the Users and Groups tab, click
    2. Click
    3. In the Name field, type the user name of an MDM Hub administrator or user.
    4. In the Password fields, type and retype the password for this user name.
    5. Click
    6. Repeat to add all the MDM Hub administrators and users that you want to authenticate with the ActiveVOS Server.
  2. Assign the administrators to the MDMAVadmins group.
    1. On the Users and Groups tab, click an MDM Hub administrator.
    2. Click
    3. In the Available list, select the
      group and move it to the Chosen list.
    4. Click
    5. Repeat to add the rest of the MDM Hub administrators.
  3. Assign the users to the MDMAVusers group.


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