Multidomain MDM
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The ISO language code is a two-letter code that represents the language. For example, the country code 'ja' represents Japanese. If you do not set a valid ISO language code, the display language is English.INSERT INTO CMX_SYSTEM.C_REPOS_DS_PREF_DETAIL ( ROWID_DS_PREF_DETAIL, CREATE_DATE, CREATOR, LAST_UPDATE_DATE, UPDATED_BY, ROWID_DS_PREF, NAME, VALUE ) VALUES ( 'MST1.5AB', sysdate, 'admin', sysdate, 'admin',(SELECT ROWID_DS_PREF FROM CMX_SYSTEM.C_REPOS_DS_PREF where name = '___SYSTEM_PREFERENCES_ROOT___'), 'globalLocale', '<ISO language code>' );