Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Version 10.5 - 10.5 HotFix 3
  3. Part 2: Version 10.4 - 10.4 HotFix 3
  4. Part 3: Version 10.3 - 10.3 HotFix 3

Export Workflow Tasks

Export Workflow Tasks

Export as Excel
to export the workflow tasks from the Available Tasks or All Assigned Tasks tab of the Task Manager with the required filters.
To change the default limitations for task download, configure the following Hub Server property:
Number of tasks that you export into an Excel file up to a maximum of 10000 records. Default is 1000.
For more information about the export of workflow tasks, see the
Multidomain MDM 10.5 HF2 Data Director User Guide


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