String value from the source system. Used as the target of the search.
Specifies the type of match (comparing cleanse list items with the input string) to be executed against the input string. One of the following values:
Compares cleanse list items with the entire string. A match succeeds only when entire input string is the same as a cleanse list item. Default setting if this parameter is not specified.
Compares the cleanse list items with each word substring in the input string. A match succeeds only if a cleanse list item is a substring flanked by the following word boundaries in the input string: beginning of string, end of string, or a space character.
Compares the cleanse list items with any part of the input string. A match succeeds if a cleanse list item is a substring of the input string, regardless of where the substring appears in the input string.
String comparisons are case sensitive.
Specifies the degree to which matched substrings in the input string are replaced with the matching cleanse list item. One of the following values.
Replaces all occurrences of the matching substring in the input string with the matching cleanse list item.
Replaces only the first occurrence of the matching substring in the input string with the matching cleanse list item. Default setting if replaceAllOccurrences is not specified.
If the Strip parameter is TRUE, then occurrences of the matching substring are removed rather than replaced.
Specifies whether to continue processing the rest of the cleanse list after one matching item has been found in the input string. One of the following values.
Stops processing the cleanse list as soon as the first cleanse list item is found in the input string (as long as the searchType condition is met). Default setting if stopOnHit is not specified.
Continues to search the input string for the rest of the items in the cleanse list (in order to find any further matching substrings).
Specifies whether the matched text in the input string will stripped from—or replaced in—the input string. One of the following values.
Removes (rather than replaces) the matched text in the input string.
Replaces the match text in the input string. Default setting if Strip is not specified.
The replaceAllOccurrences parameter determines whether replacement or removal affects all matches in the input string or just the first match.
Value to use for the output if none of the cleanse list items was found in the input string. If this property is not specified and no match was found, then the original input string is used as the output.