MDM Hub Java User Exits

MDM Hub Java User Exits

Stage Process User Exits

Stage Process User Exits

The stage process can call the post-landing, pre-stage, and post-stage user exits.
The following figure shows the stage process and the user exits that the stage process can call:
The user exits run within the stage process in the following sequence:
  1. Informatica MDM Hub
    registers the stage job.
  2. The post-landing user exit runs.
  3. Informatica MDM Hub
    performs delta detection.
  4. The pre-stage user exit runs.
  5. Informatica MDM Hub
    performs data cleansing.
  6. Informatica MDM Hub
    populates the stage table.
  7. If you enable audit trails,
    Informatica MDM Hub
    populates the raw table.
  8. Informatica MDM Hub
    commits the stage table changes.
  9. The post-stage user exit runs.
  10. The stage job ends.


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