Configuring charts for a Data Director dashboard

Configuring charts for a Data Director dashboard

REST APIs for Reports

REST APIs for Reports

You can use a set of REST APIs to manage reports.
The following table lists the REST APIs for reports:
List Reports
Returns a list of registered reports and the configuration of the reports.
Get Report Configuration and Data
Returns the report configuration and data.
Get Report Configuration and Drilldown Reports
Returns the report configuration and associated drilldown reports.
Register Report
Registers custom reports. Returns the report ID for the report, which you can use in other APIs.
Update Report Configuration
Updates the configuration of a report.
Add or Update Report Data
Adds or updates data entries in a report.
Delete Report
Deletes a report.
Run Report Update Job
Starts the batch jobs associated with the out of the box reports.
Get Status of Report Update Job
Returns the status of a report update job.


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