Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Informatica MDM - Supplier 360
  3. Supplier 360 Installation Overview
  4. Before You Install
  5. Installing the Supplier 360 Components
  6. After You Install
  7. Business Processes for Supplier Management
  8. Customizing Supplier 360
  9. Upgrading MDM - Supplier 360
  10. Troubleshooting

Import the Localized Lookup Data

Import the Localized Lookup Data

Supplier 360 installation files include the localized lookup data. If you use a localized environment, import the localized lookup data into the database before you use
Customer 360
  1. Copy the following files from the
    <MDM installation directory>/hub/server/lib
    directory to the
    <MDM installation directory>/app/tsr/lookuplocalization/lib
    • log4j-core-2.17.1.jar
    • log4j-api-2.17.1.jar
    • For Oracle.
    • For IBM DB2.
    • For Microsoft SQL Server.
  2. Go to the following directory:
    <MDM installation directory>/app/tsr/lookuplocalization/bin
  3. Run the following command:
    • On UNIX.
    • On Windows.
  4. At the prompts, enter the following parameters:
    Database type
    Type of database that you use.
    Use one of the following values:
    • Oracle
    • DB2
    • MSSQL
    User name
    User name to access the Operational Reference Store database.
    Password for the user name.
    Operational Reference Store database host name
    Name of the host that runs the Operational Reference Store database.
    Operational Reference Store database port number
    Port number that the database listener uses.
    Database name
    For IBM DB2 and Oracle only. Name of the IBM DB2 database or Oracle service.
    The localized lookup data is imported into the staging tables.
  5. In the Utilities workbench of the Hub Console, click
    Batch Group
  6. Expand
    Localized Lookup Data Load
    , and select
    Control & Logs
  7. Click
    The localized lookup data is imported into the base objects.

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