Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Vibe Data Stream Custom Entity Types
  3. Managing Custom Entity Types
  4. Custom Entities from Maven Archetypes
  5. REST APIs
  6. HTTP Request and Response Parameters
  7. Sample JSON Requests and Responses
  8. Glossary

Developer Guide

Developer Guide

Preparing a Custom Entity

Preparing a Custom Entity

Prepare the custom entity if you make changes to the VDS plug-in XML file.
  1. At the command prompt, navigate to the following directory:
    <VDS installation directory>/admind/bin
  2. Run the following command to prepare the custom entity:
    On Linux: prepare <pluginid> <directory where the CSV will be written>
    On Windows:
    plugin.bat prepare <pluginid> <directory where the CSV will be written>
    The CSV file is created.


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