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| Description
Connection Name
| A name for the connection. This name must be unique within the organization. Connection names can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following special characters: _ . + -
Spaces at the beginning or end of the name are trimmed and are not saved as part of the name. Maximum length is 100 characters. Connection names are not case sensitive.
| An optional description for the connection. Maximum length is 255 characters.
| The type of connection. For an Oracle Database Ingestion connection, the type must be
Oracle Database Ingestion .
Runtime Environment
| The name of the runtime environment where you want to run
database ingestion and replication tasks. You define runtime environments in
Administrator .
Authentication Mode
| The authentication mode that the connector must use to log in to Oracle. Options are:
Default is Oracle Database Authentication.
User Name
| If you use Oracle Database Authentication, the user name for the Oracle database login. The user name cannot contain a semicolon.
This property is not displayed if you use Kerberos authentication.
| If you use Oracle Database Authentication, the password for the Oracle database login. The password cannot contain a semicolon.
This property is not displayed if you use Kerberos authentication.
| Host name of the database server.
| Network port number used to connect to the database server. Default is 1521.
Service Name
| Service name or System ID (SID) that uniquely identifies the Oracle database. Specify the SID in the following format, including the leading semicolon (;), to connect to Oracle databases:
| Schema used for the Oracle connection.
Code Page
| The code page of the database server.
Database ingestion and replication tasks use the UTF-8 code page. Default is UTF-8.
Encryption Method
| For initial load jobs, determines whether the data exchanged between the Secure Agent and the Oracle database server is encrypted:
Options are:
Default is No Encryption.
Crypto Protocol Version
| If you selected SSL as the encryption method, you must specify a cryptographic protocol or a list of cryptographic protocols supported by your server to use with an encrypted connection. Options are:
Default is TLSv1.2.
Validate Server Certificate
| If you selected SSL as the encryption method, controls whether the Secure Agent validates the server certificate that is sent by the Oracle database server.
Default is False.
If you also specify the
Host Name in Certificate property, the Secure Agent also validates the host name in the certificate.
Trust Store
| If you selected SSL as the encryption method and enabled validation of the server certificate, specify the path and name of the truststore file, which contains the list of the Certificate Authorities (CAs) that the client trusts for SSL authentication.
Trust Store Password
| If you selected SSL as the encryption method and enabled validation of the server certificate, specify a password for accessing the contents of the truststore file.
Host Name in Certificate
| If you selected SSL as the encryption method and enabled validation of the server certificate, specify the host name of the machine that hosts the Oracle database to provide for additional security. The Secure Agent validates the host name included the connection with the host name in the SSL certificate.
Key Store
| If you selected SSL as the encryption method and client authentication is enabled on the Oracle database server, specify the path and name of the keystore file. The keystore file contains the certificates that the client sends to the Oracle server in response to the server's certificate request.
Key Store Password
| If you selected SSL as the encryption method and client authentication is enabled on the Oracle database server, specify the password for the keystore file.
Key Password
| If you selected SSL as the encryption method and client authentication is enabled on the Oracle database server, specify the password for the keys in the keystore file. Use this property when the keys have a different password than the keystore file.
Database Connect String
| A TNS name, an Oracle Net keyword-value pair, or a SQL connect string URL that OCI uses to connect to Oracle.
TDE Wallet Directory
| The path to the directory that contains the Oracle wallet file used for Oracle Transparent Data Encryption (TDE). Specify this property value only if you capture change data from
TDE-encrypted tablespaces and one of the following conditions are true:
TDE Wallet Password
| A clear text password that is required to access the Oracle TDE wallet and get the master key. This property value is required if you need to read and decrypt data from TDE-encrypted tablespaces in the Oracle source database.
Directory Substitution
| A local path prefix to substitute for the server path prefix of the redo logs on the Oracle server. This substitute local path is required when the log reader runs on a system other than the Oracle server and uses a different mapping to access the redo log files. Use this property in the following situations:
not use this statement if you use Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) to manage the redo logs.
You can define one or more substitutions in the following format:
This property does not apply to Oracle targets.
Reader Active Log Mask
| A mask that the log reader uses for selecting active redo logs when the Oracle database uses multiplexing of redo logs. The log reader compares the mask against the member names in an active redo log group to determine which log to read. In the mask, you can use the asterisk (*) wildcard to represent zero or more characters.
The mask can be up to 128 characters in length. It is case-sensitive on Linux or UNIX systems but not on Windows systems.
This property does not apply to Oracle targets.
Reader Archive Destination 1
| The primary log destination from which the log reader reads archived logs, when Oracle is configured to write more than one copy of each archived redo log. Enter a number that corresponds to a
n value in an Oracle LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter, where
n is a value from 1 to 10.
If you set only one of the Reader Archive Destination 1 and Destination 2 properties, the log reader uses that property setting. If you specify neither property, the archive log queries are not filtered by the log destination.
This property does not apply to Oracle targets.
Reader Archive Destination 2
| The secondary log destination from which the log reader reads archived logs when the primary destination becomes unavailable or when the logs at the primary destination cannot be read. For example, logs might have been corrupted or deleted. Enter a number that corresponds to the
n value in an Oracle LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter, where
n is a value from 1 to 10. Usually, this value is a number greater than 1.
This property does not apply to Oracle targets.
Reader ASM Connect String
| In an Oracle ASM environment, the Oracle connection string, defined in TNS, that the log reader uses to connect to the ASM instance that manages storage of active and archived redo logs for the source database.
This property does not apply to Oracle targets.
Reader ASM User Name
| In an Oracle ASM environment, an Oracle user ID that the log reader uses to connect to the ASM instance that manages storage of active and archived redo logs for the source database. This user ID must have SYSDBA or SYSASM authority. To use SYSASM authority, set the
Reader ASM Connect As SYSASM property to Y.
This property does not apply to Oracle targets.
Reader ASM Password
| In an Oracle ASM environment, a clear text password for the user that is specified in the
Reader ASM User Name property. The log reader uses this password and the ASM user name to connect to the ASM instance that manages storage of active and archived redo logs for the source database.
This property does not apply to Oracle targets.
Reader ASM Connect As SYSASM
| If you use Oracle 11 g ASM or later and want the log reader to use a user ID that has SYSASM authority to connect to the ASM instance, select this check box. Also specify a user ID that has SYSASM authority in the
Reader ASM User Name property. To use a user ID that has SYSDBA authority, clear this check box. By default, this check box is cleared.
This property does not apply to Oracle targets.
Reader Mode
| Indicates the source of and types of Oracle redo logs that the log reader reads. Valid options are:
Default is
This property does not apply to Oracle targets.
Reader Standby Log Mask
| A mask that the log reader uses for selecting redo logs for an Oracle physical standby database when the database uses multiplexing of redo logs. The log reader compares the mask against the member names in an redo log group to determine which log to read. In the mask, you can use the asterisk (*) wildcard to represent zero or more characters.
The mask can be up to 128 characters in length. It is case-sensitive on Linux or UNIX systems but not on Windows systems.
This property does not apply to Oracle targets.
Standby Connect String
| An Oracle connection string, defined in TNS, that the log reader uses to connect to the Oracle physical standby database for change capture when the database is not open with read only access.
This property does not apply to Oracle targets.
Standby User Name
| A user ID that the log reader uses to connect to the Oracle physical standby database for change capture. This user ID must have SYSDBA authority.
This property does not apply to Oracle targets.
Standby Password
| A password that the log reader uses to connect to the Oracle physical standby database for change capture.
This property does not apply to Oracle targets.
RAC Members
| The maximum number of active redo log threads, or
members , in an Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) that can be tracked. For a Data Guard physical standby database that supports a primary database in a RAC environment, this value is the number of active threads for the primary database.
Valid values are 1 to 100. Default is 0, which causes an appropriate number of log threads to be determined automatically. If this value is not appropriate for your environment, set this property to a value greater than 0.
This property does not apply to Oracle targets.
BFILE Access
| Select this check box in the following circumstances:
By default, this check box is cleared.
This property does not apply to Oracle targets.