Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Pre-Installation
  3. Part 2: Installation
  4. Part 3: Post-Installation
  5. Part 4: Apply the HotFix
  6. Appendix A: Starting and Stopping Proactive Monitoring Components
  7. Appendix B: Logging In to Client Tools
  8. Appendix C: Configure Reporting
  9. Appendix D: Installation and Configuration Checklist

Installation Guide

Installation Guide

Step 1. Edit the common.xml file.

Step 1. Edit the common.xml file.

The installation directory contains an .xml import file with the parameters required to import the updated objects. You need to update the file to specify the names of the domain and the Proactive Monitoring schema.
Find the .xml file associated with the database type of the Proactive Monitoring repository. The common.xml file is in the following location:
<Proactive Monitoring installation directory>\Solutions\PMPC\<Edition>_3.0\solution_xmls\<edition>\<database type>\
The following table describes the parameters that you need to update in the .xml import file.
Parameter to Replace
The name of the Informatica domain.
The name of the Proactive Monitoring schema. The default schema name is "Proactive_Monitoring."
The following example shows a sample import file:
<config> <serviceClassName>com.informatica.cep.sdk.service.api.builtin.sources.SqlSource</serviceClassName> <propertyDefinitions> <propertyDefinition> <propName>parameters</propName> <propValue> <rpie:null/> </propValue> </propertyDefinition> <propertyDefinition> <propName>fetchSize</propName> <propValue>10</propValue> </propertyDefinition> <propertyDefinition> <propName>bufferResult</propName> <propValue>no</propValue> </propertyDefinition> <propertyDefinition> <propName>updateSql</propName> <propValue/> </propertyDefinition> <propertyDefinition> <propName>transactionSize</propName> <propValue>1</propValue> </propertyDefinition> <propertyDefinition> <propName>propertyMetadataMap</propName> <propValue>domain=##PC_REPO_DOMAIN_NAME##, rs=unknown, workflow_name=unknown, folder=unknown</propValue> </propertyDefinition> <propertyDefinition> <propName>markerId</propName> <propValue/> </propertyDefinition> <propertyDefinition> <propName>sql</propName> <propValue>select host_name,repo_tstamp, current_upd_tstamp from ( select host_name,repo_tstamp, current_upd_tstamp, extract (minute from diff) s1 from (select host_name, repo_tstamp, current_upd_tstamp, ( sysdate - to_timestamp (repo_tstamp, &apos;yyyy/MM/dd HH24:MI:SS&apos;) )diff from ##PM_SCHEMA##.na_heartbeat) ) T where T.s1 &gt; 2 AND UPPER(host_name) in (select UPPER(host_name) from ##PM_SCHEMA##.NA_HOST_CONFIG)</propValue> </propertyDefinition> </propertyDefinitions> </config>


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