Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Cloud Operations
  3. Part 2: Parameter and Element Reference
  4. Appendix A: REST Call Example
  5. Appendix B: Geocode Countries
  6. Appendix C: Certified Mode Values

Developer Guide

Developer Guide

AMAS Certification Values

AMAS Certification Values

The following table describes the values and data indicators that Informatica Address Verification can return when you verify an Australia address in certified mode:
Error Code
A two-character code that represents the validity of the address with respect to the AMAS standard. The code can indicate that the address is fully valid, or the code can describe the reason why the address does not meet the AMAS standard.
Delivery Point Identifier
An eight-digit identifier that Australia Post assigns to a delivery point. Each DPID is unique and randomly generated. Australia Post creates DPIDs in a range from 30,000,000 to 99,999,999.
Lot Number
The lot reference number that a government department assigned to a property during the sub-division of a parcel of land and prior to road numbering.
Postal Delivery Number
The number information in the delivery service. For example, the post office box number in a P.O. Box address.
Australia Post stores a postal delivery number as a five-digit number in the Postal Address File (PAF). Therefore, the PAF stores the postal delivery number 500 as 00500. If the address does not contain a postal delivery number, Address Verification does not populate the field.
Postal Delivery Number Prefix
The prefix character in a postal delivery number. For example, A in A500.
Postal Delivery Number Suffix
The suffix character in a postal delivery number. For example, A in 500A.
House Number 1
The primary house number in a street address. Australia Post stores a house number as a five-digit number in the PAF. Therefore, the PAF stores the house number 123 as 00123.
House Number 1 Suffix
An alphabetical suffix to a House Number 1 value. For example, A in 123A.
House Number 2
The secondary house number in a street address.
Australia Post stores a house number as a five-digit number in the PAF. Therefore, the PAF stores the house number 456 as 00456. If the address does not contain a secondary house number, Address Verification returns 00000 as the field value.
House Number 2 Suffix
An alphabetical suffix to a House Number 2 value. For example, B in 456B.


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