Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Cloud Operations
  3. Part 2: Parameter and Element Reference
  4. Appendix A: REST Call Example
  5. Appendix B: Geocode Countries
  6. Appendix C: Certified Mode Values

Developer Guide

Developer Guide

QuickCapture Mode

QuickCapture Mode

You can use quick capture mode to receive address suggestions as you type. Quick capture mode supports single-line input. In quick capture mode, you use the SingleAddressLine element and Country element to retrieve address suggestions. You can receive up to 100 suggestions for an input address in quick capture mode.
For information about how to specify the number of address suggestions for an address, see Maximum Number of Results in the Output.
Use a character space as the delimiter in the input address. Use the SingleAddressLineDelimiter element to set the output delimiter. The default output delimiter for elements in quick capture mode is the semicolon.
You can set the output delimiter to one of the following values:
  • Comma
  • Semicolon
  • Space
  • Tab
For information about the quick capture mode output, see Result Group.

House Number Ranges and Sub-Building Ranges in QuickCapture Output

Address Verification uses two periods to indicate a range of house numbers or sub-building numbers in an output address.
When Address Verification identifies a range of addresses with multiple house number options on a single street, it returns the available range in a single record. Address Verification separates the first and last house numbers in the range by two periods. For example, 15500..15508 WESTON PKWY indicates that houses from 15500 through 15508 on WESTON PKWY are candidate matches for the input address.
Likewise, when Address Verification identifies a range of addresses with sub-building number options in a single building, it returns the available range in a single record and separates the first and last sub-building numbers in the range by two periods.
Address Verification might return even-numbered and odd-numbered ranges for an address in separate records. For example,
1..9 MAIN
2..10 MAIN
STREET indicate that odd-numbered house numbers from 1 through 9 and even-numbered house numbers from 2 through 10 on MAIN ST are candidate matches for the input address.

Rules and Guidelines for QuickCapture Mode

Consider the following rules and guidelines when you submit an address for verification in quick capture mode:
  • Quick capture mode reads the SingleAddressLine element, the Country element, and optionally the SourceID element. Enter country information in the Country element and not in the SingleAddressLine element.
  • Ensure that you fully preload the quick capture reference data files before you submit an address in quick capture mode.
  • Quick capture mode can process an incomplete address. For best results, submit a complete address.
    Quick capture mode can tolerate a mis-spelling in an address element in a manner that batch and interactive modes cannot. For example, quick capture mode can recognize 1 FIFTH AVE NEW YO as 1 FIFTH AVE NEW YORK.
  • When you submit an address to quick capture mode in a Chinese or Japanese character set, use a character space as a delimiter between the elements.
  • Do not separate associated address values. For example, do not add a locality name between a street name and its associated descriptor.
  • Do not enter a child address element without the corresponding parent element. For example, do not enter a house number without the corresponding street name.
  • Quick capture mode may return partial addresses when all elements are not provided on input or when there are ranges in the output that do not uniquely identify an address.
  • Quick capture mode supports five-digit ZIP Codes in the United States but does not support +4 digit ZIP Code extensions.


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