Table of Contents


  1. Installation Getting Started
  2. Before You Install the Services
  3. Run the Big Data Suite Installer
  4. After You Install the Services
  5. Install the Developer Tool
  6. Uninstallation
  7. Starting and Stopping Informatica Services
  8. Connecting to Databases
  9. Updating the DynamicSections Parameter of a DB2 Database

Installation and Configuration Guide

Installation and Configuration Guide

Hadoop Environment

Hadoop Environment

Informatica big data products integrate with the non-native environment.
Verify the version of the Hadoop distribution in the Hadoop environment.
Big Data Management supports the following Hadoop distributions:
  • Amazon EMR
  • Azure HDInsight
  • Cloudera CDH
  • Hortonworks HDP
  • MapR
In each release, Informatica can add, defer, and drop support for the non-native distributions and distribution versions. Informatica might reinstate support for deferred versions in a future release. To see a list of the latest supported versions, see the Product Availability Matrix on the Informatica Customer Portal:


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