Table of Contents


  1. Installation Getting Started
  2. Before You Install the Services
  3. Run the Big Data Suite Installer
  4. After You Install the Services
  5. Install the Developer Tool
  6. Uninstallation
  7. Starting and Stopping Informatica Services
  8. Connecting to Databases
  9. Updating the DynamicSections Parameter of a DB2 Database

Installation and Configuration Guide

Installation and Configuration Guide

Existing Hadoop Cluster Deployment

Existing Hadoop Cluster Deployment

You can deploy Enterprise Data Catalog on a Hadoop cluster that you have set up on Cloudera, Hortonworks, or Azure HDInsight. If you have enabled Kerberos authentication in your enterprise to authenticate users and services on a network, you can configure the Informatica domain to use Kerberos network authentication.
You need to configure Zookeeper, HDFS, and Yarn specifications when you install Enterprise Data Catalog on an existing Hadoop cluster in your enterprise. The Catalog Service uses the following specifications and launches the following services and components on the Hadoop cluster as YARN application:
  • Solr version 5.2.1
  • HBase version 0.98
  • Scanner components


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