Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Web Services
  3. SOAP Web Services
  4. WSDL Data Object
  5. Schema Object
  6. How to Create a SOAP Web Service
  7. Operation Mappings
  8. Parsing Web Service SOAP Messages
  9. Generating Web Service SOAP Messages
  10. Web Service Consumer Transformation
  11. REST Web Services
  12. How to Create a REST Web Service
  13. REST Web Service Consumer Transformation
  14. REST Web Service Consumer Transformation Use Cases
  15. REST and SOAP Web Service Administration
  16. Datatype Compatibility

Web Services Guide

Web Services Guide

WSDL Synchronization

WSDL Synchronization

You can synchronize a WSDL data object when the WSDL files change. When you synchronize a WSDL data object, the Developer tool reimports the object metadata from the WSDL files.
You can use a WSDL data object to create a web service or a Web Service Consumer transformation.
When you update a WSDL data object, the Developer tool updates the objects that reference the WSDL and marks them as changed when you open them. When the Developer tool compares the new WSDL with the old WSDL, it identifies WSDL components through the name attributes.
If no name attribute changes, the Developer tool updates the objects that reference the WSDL components. For example, you edit a WSDL file and change the type for simple element "CustID" from xs:string to xs:integer.
If a name attribute changes, the Developer tool marks the objects that reference the WSDL component as changed when you open them.
The Developer tool validates the WSDL files before it updates the WSDL data object. If the WSDL files contain errors, the Developer tool does not import the files.


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