Review the following rules and guidelines before you create control files:
Element and attribute names are case sensitive.
Control files contain a hierarchy of XML elements. Elements at different levels can contain the same attribute. A child element inherits an attribute value defined for the parent element when the same attribute is not defined for the child element. The attribute values defined for a child element override the value of the same attribute defined for the parent element.
When an element defines multiple attributes, infacmd exports or imports objects that match all attribute filters. For example, you define the createdBefore and lastUpdatedAfter attributes for an objectList element in an export control file. Infacmd exports objects of the specified type created before the specified date and last updated after the specified date.
The values of time attributes are not inclusive. For example, you set createdAfter to “2011-02-01 16:00:00-0800” in an export control file. Infacmd considers exporting all objects created after 4 p.m. on February 1, 2011. Infacmd does not export objects created at 4 p.m. on February 1, 2011.
You can specify an objectList of a specific type once in a control file for domain objects. For example, you specify an objectList where type is "connection." You cannot specify another objectList of type "connection" in the same file.
You can specify an objectList of a specific type once in a folder or folderMap element for Model repository objects. For example, you specify an objectList where type is "Flat File Data Object." You cannot specify another objectList of the "Flat File Data Object" type in the same folder or folderMap element.